Monday, August 17, 2009

The end is in sight...

I've had about an entire month off from school and it has been heavenly!!! Of course, Kevin has been gone for two weeks of it; but still what girl doesn't like a little "alone" time?

Well, anyway, starting next week, I'll be back in school. Right now, I'm just five classes short of getting this Business degree...what?! Huh!?? Yep, that's right. Soon enough, I will have a Bachelors in Business Administration.

In other news, Kevin and I have reluctantly decided to return to the States the end of January 2010. Despite the fact we love Okinawa, we have decided not to extend.

Soooo between school and seeing as much as we can before we leave Oki, this means we're going to be real busy....

I'm sure we'll have some interesting posts in the very near future.

Until then....enjoy the island life!



Mary and Sean said...

Hi Chrissy,
I must have missed your message somehow. In any case, I will be out of a job in about a week, and I wondered if your studio needs an apprentice or someone to help out on your videos? I am willing to volunteer as I don't have any production experience at all. I'm trying to take my career in a new direction... sorry for posting this on your blog! Or do you recommend studying communications?

Mary and Sean said...

it's me again...if you email me, my address is


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