Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My very first....well maybe not...

Kev and I have returned from our 5 day trip to Hong Kong. We had a marvelous time. I promise to post all the details of our trip more on that later.

The big news around here is Typhoon Sinlaku. We were told on Tuesday that the typhoon was out there and could be making its way to Okinawa. As soon as the announcement was made, all of military folk here on the island went into a flurry rushing around getting water and supplies from the Commissary. I came home from work yesterday to find even my own husband preparing the house...all of our camping supplies were out on the floor of my living room. It was kinda cute.

Well, as it turns out...the typhoon is now making its way AWAY from our lovely island. This means, now there is a very good chance we will be safe from the typhoon. Now I know I shouldn't be so bummed about it, but I was really hoping to experience my first very typhoon. Maybe next time....


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