Tuesday, February 24, 2009

See Me In Action (well....only if you want to....)

Greetings to all you faithful readers out there,

I apologize for the lapse in blog posts. I'm afraid things have been rather crazy lately. My mother was sick and in the hospital for a bit; and with rehearsals for the musical "Children of Eden" and classes for school, I was just too pooped to write anything. Anyway, the good news is that Mom is fine and now I actually have something to write about!

Introducing MCCS TV.com! This is a new website that was created for the cable access channel that I work at here in Okinawa. Now you have the opportunity to see me in action as a producer, director, on-camera host extraordinaire!

Take a look! Hai Sai Okinawa is just one of the programs that I produce.


~Chrissy :0


aHde said...

Thank you so much for your advise. i'll surely be researching more on okinawa. i've facebook too, would you mind adding me? here's my email. ling81ade@gmail.com.

LouX said...

Hey love the MCCS TV. Spent 4 years on Okinawa and will be returning soon. What is the theme song intro for Hai Sai Okinawa... I want to buy it?

Chrissy said...

Hi Loux, I'm not sure where the theme song comes from. Thanks for watching!

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